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When Analog Codec 97 was initially developed, users were typically listening to only music and movies with stereo sound. With the success of DVD movies encoded with Dolby Digital and DTS multi-channel audio formats, users have become accustomed to listening in full surround sound with anywhere from six to eight speakers. While Analog Codec 97 technology has struggled to keep pace with all these advancements, Intel High Definition Audio is designed specifically for the high-quality multi-channel audio experiences. Newer audio and video encoding and decoding algorithms also enable a higher-quality listening experience. More and more consumers are moving their computers into the living room or family room so they can enjoy digital music or movies throughout the house on state-of-the-art multi-channel audio systems or big screen TVs. With better speakers connected to their computers, the limitations of current computer sound subsystems, whether integrated or add-in, can degrade the overall digital experience. Many consumers are also asking for the ability to play two different audio streams through their PC at the same timeperhaps classical music in the study and a movie in the living room. These demands cannot be met with previous audio solutions. Intel HD Audio delivers significant improvements over previous generation integrated audio and sound cards. Intel HD Audio hardware is capable of delivering the support and sound quality for up to eight channels at 192 kHz/32-bit quality, while the Analog Codec 97 specification can only support six channels at 48 kHz/20-bit. In addition, Intel HD Audio is architected to prevent the occasional glitches or pops that other audio solutions can have by providing dedicated system bandwidth for critical audio functions. Dolby Laboratories selected Intel HD Audio to bring Dolby-quality surround sound technologies to the PC as part of their recently announced PC Logo Program. The combination of these technologies marks an important milestone in delivering quality digital audio to consumers. Intel HD Audio is able to support all the Dolby technologies, including the latest Dolby Pro Logic IIx, which makes it possible to enjoy older stereo content in 7.1 channel surround sound. Intel G965, P965, Q965, Q963, 946GZ, and 946PL Express Chipsets Intel 975X, 955X, 945G, and 945P Express Chipsets Intel 915G, 915P, 915GV, 915GL, and 915PL Express Chipsets Consumers also want the ability to play back two different audio tracks simultaneously, such as a CD and a DVD, which cant be done using current audio solutions. Intel HD Audio features multi-streaming capabilities that give users the ability to send two or more different audio streams to different locations at the same time, from the same PC. Microsoft has chosen Intel HD Audio as the main architecture for their new Universal Audio Architecture UAA, which provides one driver that will support all Intel HD Audio controllers and codecs. While the Microsoft driver is expected to support basic Intel HD Audio functions, codec vendors are expected to differentiate their solutions by offering enhanced Intel HD audio solutions. The result is high-quality PC-based audio that delivers a seamless convergence of digital entertainment between the PC and consumer electronic devices. Intel HD Audio also enables enhanced voice capture through the use of array microphones, giving users more accurate speech input. While other audio implementations have limited support for simple array microphones, Intel HD Audio supports larger array microphones. By increasing the size of the array microphone, users get incredibly clean input through better noise cancellation and beam forming. This produces higher-quality input to voice recognition, voice over IP VoIP, and other voice-driven activities. Intel HD Audio also provides improvements that support better jack retasking. The computer can sense when a device is plugged into an audio jack, determine what kind of device it is, and change the port function if the device has been plugged into the wrong port. For example, if a microphone is plugged into a speaker jack, the computer will recognize the error and will be able to change the jack to function as a microphone jack. This is an important step in getting audio to a point where it just worksusers wont need to worry about getting the right device plugged into the right audio jack. Designed for glitch-free audio playback, multi-streaming, jack retasking, and UAA support, Intel HD Audio offers an audio solution for years to come. As one of the many new technologies introduced with the Intel 955X, 925, 915, and 910 Express Chipset family, and now the Intel 945 Express Chipset family, Intel HD Audio enhances the end-user experience and enables the convergence of digital entertainment for both PCs and consumer electronics CE products. Document change notification for energy efficient buffering specs, with Programmers Reference Manual covers registers, considerations. Datasheet for Intel I/O Controller Hub 7 ICH7 family. Datasheet for Intel I/O Controller Hub 6 ICH6 family. var langSelectData alsoAvail: true, mobileHomepageTitle: Find your Countrys Homepage, mobileSelectTitle: Select a Country, mobileAvailableTitle: Page Available In, sections: title: This page is also available in, locale: countryName: Asia Pacific, languageList: link:, label: Asia Pacific English, locale: xa, language: en, link:, label: Australia English, locale: au, language: en, link:, label: China Intel high definition audio драйвер, совместимые с операционной системой Windows 7, 2000, XP, Vista, представлены в списке ниже. Каждый intel high definition audio драйвер снабжен подробным описанием и указанием всех доступных характеристик. Вам осталось лишь выбрать наиболее подходящий Вам intel high definition audio драйвер в случае если их несколько и нажать кнопку Скачать. Далее следуйте инструкциям, которые появятся на экране. Intel high definition audio драйвер совместим с Windows 7, 2000, XP, Vista Операционная система: Windows 7, 2000, XP, Vista Больно любить и знать, что эти губы никогда тебя не поцелуют, что из этих уст никогда не услышишь тёплых слов, что эти нежные руки никогда тебя не обнимут и что это тепло тебя не Минздрав Абхазии предупреждает:Лица кавказской национальности передаются половым путём! почему моего любимого со мною нет???Да потому что у меня забыла в поэзде Ппц, кажется обидела хорошего Так вот и живем, я обижаю хороших, сама реву из-за Скачать intel high definition audio драйвер для Windows 7, 2000, XP, Vista Вы сможете на нашем сайте. Мы ежедневно трудимся для того, чтобы обеспечить Вам непревзойденное удобство в поиске, скачивании и установке intel high definition audio драйвер для Windows 7, 2000, XP, Vista. Чел в отеле заграницей заходит в лифт. 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