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Установка SafeNet Authentication Client на компьютерах и серверах под управлением 64-битной редакции ОС Microsoft Windows 8.1, а также других операционных систем из поддерживаемого SAC перечня, производится схожим образом. Итак, после того, как вы скачали дистрибутив SafeNet Authentication Client, переходим непосредственно к его установке: Запустите файл, входящий в состав дистрибутива SAC Ознакомьтесь с лицензионным соглашением и, если вы с ним согласны, то отметьте пункт I accept the license agreement Я принимаю условия лицензионного соглашения и нажмите кнопку Next Далее. В противном случае откажитесь от установки нажатием кнопки Cancel Отмена При согласии с условиями лицензионного соглашения в предыдущем пункте, на экране появится следующее окно - выбор места установки Кнопкой Browse Обзор укажите место на диске, куда будет производиться установка SAC или оставьте путь по умолчанию. Для начала инсталляции нажмите кнопку Next Далее Начинается процесс установки, сопровождаемый шкалой прогресса По завершении инсталляции пакета SAC откроется соответствующее окно. Закройте его нажатием кнопки - Finish- Закончить На этом процедура установки драйверов и утилит eToken из состава пакета SafeNet Authentication Client 8.2 завершена Если в процессе установки SafeNet Authentication Client 8.2 у вас возникли какие-либо вопросы, то можете задать их Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра., либо по телефону, указанному на сайте. Скачать драйверы для электронных USB-ключей и смарт-карт eToken вы можете по этой ссылке. Информация о товарах, представленная на сайте, ни при каких условиях не является публичной офертой. Внешний вид, комплектация, характеристики и цены товаров могут изменяться производителем без предварительного уведомления. Для получения подробной информации о наличии и стоимости товаров обращайтесь к менеджерам ООО - Эримекс-. Использование материалов с сайта без письменного разрешения ООО - Эримекс- запрещено. From virtualized datacenters to private, hybrid, and multi-tenant public clouds SafeNet provides full ownership and control of sensitive data in any cloud or virtualized environment. Our holistic approach enables you to cost-efficiently and effectively meet compliance obligations today and in the future through a scalable and future-forward approach. SafeNet helps you protect and control your data, respond to regulatory requirements, and get the most value out of your investments. SafeNet offers the broadest range of authentication options, single-platform management, and can be delivered either on-premise and as a service. Thousands of our customers trust SafeNet to help them secure and control identities and transactions, and expand with them to meet their future business needs. HSMs provide reliable protection for transactions, identities, and applications by securing cryptographic keys and provisioning encryption, decryption, authentication, and digital signing services SafeNet data encryption and control solutions cover data protection for databases, applications, and mainframes in the data center, and the cloud, as well as full disk encryption for end point devices. Proven reliability, highest throughput, and lowest latency make SafeNets network security devices the ideal solution for protecting data in motion, including time-sensitive voice and video streams. From virtualized datacenters to private, hybrid, and multi-tenant public clouds SafeNet provides full ownership and control of sensitive data in any cloud or virtualized environment. Our holistic approach enables you to cost-efficiently and effectively meet compliance obligations today and in the future through a scalable and future-forward approach. SafeNet helps you protect and control your data, respond to regulatory requirements, and get the most value out of your investments. SafeNet offers the broadest range of authentication options, single-platform management, and can be delivered either on-premise and as a service. Thousands of our customers trust SafeNet to help them secure and control identities and transactions, and expand with them to meet their future business needs. HSMs provide reliable protection for transactions, identities, and applications by securing cryptographic keys and provisioning encryption, decryption, authentication, and digital signing services SafeNet data encryption and control solutions cover data protection for databases, applications, and mainframes in the data center, and the cloud, as well as full disk encryption for end point devices. Proven reliability, highest throughput, and lowest latency make SafeNets network security devices the ideal solution for protecting data in motion, including time-sensitive voice and video streams. From virtualized datacenters to private, hybrid, and multi-tenant public clouds SafeNet provides full ownership and control of sensitive data in any cloud or virtualized environment. Our holistic approach enables you to cost-efficiently and effectively meet compliance obligations today and in the future through a scalable and future-forward approach. SafeNet helps you protect and control your data, respond to regulatory requirements, and get the most value out of your investments. SafeNet offers the broadest range of authentication options, single-platform management, and can be delivered either on-premise and as a service. From virtualized datacenters to private, hybrid, and multi-tenant public clouds SafeNet provides full ownership and control of sensitive data in any cloud or virtualized environment. Our holistic approach enables you to cost-efficiently and effectively meet compliance obligations today and in the future through a scalable and future-forward approach. SafeNet helps you protect and control your data, respond to regulatory requirements, and get the most value out of your investments. SafeNet offers the broadest range of authentication options, single-platform management, and can be delivered either on-premise and as a service. Thousands of our customers trust SafeNet to help them secure and control identities and transactions, and expand with them to meet their future business needs. HSMs provide reliable protection for transactions, identities, and applications by securing cryptographic keys and provisioning encryption, decryption, authentication, and digital signing services SafeNet data encryption and control solutions cover data protection for databases, applications, and mainframes in the data center, and the cloud, as well as full disk encryption for end point devices. Proven reliability, highest throughput, and lowest latency make SafeNets network security devices the ideal solution for protecting data in motion, including time-sensitive voice and video streams. From virtualized datacenters to private, hybrid, and multi-tenant public clouds SafeNet provides full ownership and control of sensitive data in any cloud or virtualized environment. Our holistic approach enables you to cost-efficiently and effectively meet compliance obligations today and in the future through a scalable and future-forward approach. SafeNet helps you protect and control your data, respond to regulatory requirements, and get the most value out of your investments. SafeNet offers the broadest range of authentication options, single-platform management, and can be delivered either on-premise and as a service. Thousands of our customers trust SafeNet to help them secure and control identities and transactions, and expand with them to meet their future business needs. HSMs provide reliable protection for transactions, identities, and applications by securing cryptographic keys and provisioning encryption, decryption, authentication, and digital signing services SafeNet data encryption and control solutions cover data protection for databases, applications, and mainframes in the data center, and the cloud, as well as full disk encryption for end point devices. Proven reliability, highest throughput, and lowest latency make SafeNets network security devices the ideal solution for protecting data in motion, including time-sensitive voice and video streams. From virtualized datacenters to private, hybrid, and multi-tenant public clouds SafeNet provides full ownership and control of sensitive data in any cloud or virtualized environment. Our holistic approach enables you to cost-efficiently and effectively meet compliance obligations today and in the future through a scalable and future-forward approach. SafeNet helps you protect and control your data, respond to regulatory requirements, and get the most value out of your investments. SafeNet offers the broadest range of authentication options, single-platform management, and can be delivered either on-premise and as a service. Thousands of our customers trust SafeNet to help them secure and control identities and transactions, and expand with them to meet their future business needs. HSMs provide reliable protection for transactions, identities, and applications by securing cryptographic keys and provisioning encryption, decryption, authentication, and digital signing services SafeNet data encryption and control solutions cover data protection for databases, applications, and mainframes in the data center, and the cloud, as well as full disk encryption for end point devices. Proven reliability, highest throughput, and lowest latency make SafeNets network security devices the ideal solution for protecting data in motion, including time-sensitive voice and video streams. From virtualized datacenters to private, hybrid, and multi-tenant public clouds SafeNet provides full ownership and control of sensitive data in any cloud or virtualized environment. Our holistic approach enables you to cost-efficiently and effectively meet compliance obligations today and in the future through a scalable and future-forward approach. SafeNet helps you protect and control your data, respond to regulatory requirements, and get the most value out of your investments. SafeNet offers the broadest range of authentication options, single-platform management, and can be delivered either on-premise and as a service. Thousands of our customers trust SafeNet to help them secure and control identities and transactions, and expand with them to meet their future business needs. HSMs provide reliable protection for transactions, identities, and applications by securing cryptographic keys and provisioning encryption, decryption, authentication, and digital signing services SafeNet data encryption and control solutions cover data protection for databases, applications, and mainframes in the data center, and the cloud, as well as full disk encryption for end point devices. Proven reliability, highest throughput, and lowest latency make SafeNets network security devices the ideal solution for protecting data in motion, including time-sensitive voice and video streams. A robust suite of hardware, software, and cloud based licensing solutions designed to prevent unauthorized use and distribution of software products and services while protecting an ISVs IP from tampering and/or reverse engineering Flexible, feature-rich solution designed to make entitlement generation, tracking, and ongoing management quick and easy for both the software publisher and their end users to reduce costs and improve customer experience. The industrys first and only cloud-based licensing solution for enabling SaaS and other cloud service providers to define, provision, control, and track versatile service offerings. Full suite of consulting and implementation services to help you define, align, and deliver a licensing strategy that meets the business objectives and operational processes. An award-winning suite of hardware, software, and cloud based licensing solutions for protecting software applications from piracy, overuse, or code manipulation in order to maximize profitability and protect competitive IP. A feature-rich entitlement management system offered hosted, as a service, or for on-premise installation for enabling software publishers to streamline and easily manage all operational tasks associated with software licensing. A CODiE award winning software licensing and entitlement management service architected from the ground up to support the unique catalog definition, provisioning, control, and usage tracking challenges of SaaS and other cloud service delivery. Full suite of consulting and implementation services to help you define, align, and deliver a licensing strategy that meets the business objectives and operational processes. A robust suite of hardware, software, and cloud based licensing solutions designed to prevent unauthorized use and distribution of software products and services while protecting an ISVs IP from tampering and/or reverse engineering Flexible, feature-rich solution designed to make entitlement generation, tracking, and ongoing management quick and easy for both the software publisher and their end users to reduce costs and improve customer experience. The industrys first and only cloud-based licensing solution for enabling SaaS and other cloud service providers to define, provision, control, and track versatile service offerings. Full suite of consulting and implementation services to help you define, align, and deliver a licensing strategy that meets the business objectives and operational processes. An award-winning suite of hardware, software, and cloud based licensing solutions for protecting software applications from piracy, overuse, or code manipulation in order to maximize profitability and protect competitive IP. A feature-rich entitlement management system offered hosted, as a service, or for on-premise installation for enabling software publishers to streamline and easily manage all operational tasks associated with software licensing. A CODiE award winning software licensing and entitlement management service architected from the ground up to support the unique catalog definition, provisioning, control, and usage tracking challenges of SaaS and other cloud service delivery. Full suite of consulting and implementation services to help you define, align, and deliver a licensing strategy that meets the business objectives and operational processes. A robust suite of hardware, software, and cloud based licensing solutions designed to prevent unauthorized use and distribution of software products and services while protecting an ISVs IP from tampering and/or reverse engineering Flexible, feature-rich solution designed to make entitlement generation, tracking, and ongoing management quick and easy for both the software publisher and their end users to reduce costs and improve customer experience. The industrys first and only cloud-based licensing solution for enabling SaaS and other cloud service providers to define, provision, control, and track versatile service offerings. Full suite of consulting and implementation services to help you define, align, and deliver a licensing strategy that meets the business objectives and operational processes. An award-winning suite of hardware, software, and cloud based licensing solutions for protecting software applications from piracy, overuse, or code manipulation in order to maximize profitability and protect competitive IP. A feature-rich entitlement management system offered hosted, as a service, or for on-premise installation for enabling software publishers to streamline and easily manage all operational tasks associated with software licensing. A CODiE award winning software licensing and entitlement management service architected from the ground up to support the unique catalog definition, provisioning, control, and usage tracking challenges of SaaS and other cloud service delivery. Full suite of consulting and implementation services to help you define, align, and deliver a licensing strategy that meets the business objectives and operational processes. Cross domain solutions provide a reliable, secure, and configurable means of transferring information Battle tested solutions, customized to safeguard your agencies environment and enables information sharing to support the cyber defense mission. Secure access control solutions designed for government sensitive and classified environments. Flexible solution for link and network encryption for government and commercial applications. SafeNet is one of the largest data security companies in the world, and is trusted to provide data protection solutions to the most sensitive data for market-leading organizations around the globe. Our data protection solutions ensure high value information is secure throughout its lifecycle, providing data security from the data center to the cloud. read more More than 25, 000 customers across commercial enterprises and government agencies trust SafeNet for data protection, cloud security, two-factor authentication, cybersecurity, software protection and software licensing. SafeNet is one of the largest data security companies in the world, delivering comprehensive data protection solutions for the persistent protection of high value information. We protect the most money that movesmore than 80% of the worlds intra-bank fund transfers and nearly 1 trillion per day. We are the first to secure access to the cloudwith the industrys only centrally managed identity federation solution for SaaS applications. We protect the most classified informationwith data security products found in every vehicle, aircraft and ship in the US military. We have award-winning data security solutions for financial services including the industrys first secure, webbased PIN issuance and management solution. We employ the most crypto experts in the industry550 encryption engineers developing cutting-edge technologies and patents. We have the most certificationsmore FIPS 140-2 and FIPS 140-1 certifications than any company in the industry. We are the first to monetize the cloudproviding the industrys first and only software licensing and entitlement management solution for ISVs, delivered from the cloud for the cloud. We are trusted around the worldproviding data protection and data security solutions to more than 25, 000 customers across 100 countries. Check out our career page for current employment opportunites. Copyright 1983-2015 SafeNet, Inc. All rights reserved. 15 сен 2014 Установить драйвер етокен. Установить драйвер е токен. Для работы с носителем eToken достаточно установить eToken PKI Client. 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