скачать драйвер panasonic kx mb2000ru драйвера asus для windows 7 скачать canon i sensys mf3010 скачать драйвера бесплатно samsung scx 4650n скачать драйвер Видеокарты AMD Radeon- R7 300-й серии обеспечивают высокую производительность и реалистичную графику в твоих любимых онлайн-играх и включают функции, увеличивающие твои возможности. Узнай, для чего они нужны в твоем арсенале Производительность популярных онлайн-игр с частотой более 60 кадров/сек, разрешением 1080p или 1440p и максимальными настройками в сочетании с реалистичной графикой, не влияющей на производительность. Технология виртуального сверхвысокого разрешения от AMD позволяет играть с разрешением 1080p или в качестве, не уступающем 1440p, на экране с разрешением 1080p. Увеличь производительность благодаря более эффективному рендерингу сложных и насыщенных сцен с технологией DirectX 12, включающей асинхронные шейдеры и многопоточную запись в буфер команд. Подготовься к играм сегодняшнего и завтрашнего дня с поддержкой DirectX 12, OpenGL 4.5 и Vulkan-. Непревзойденное качество изображения с захватывающими визуальными 3D-эффектами, живым изображением и реалистичным освещением. Больше новых ключевых функций Новый усовершенствованный интерфейс получил другое имя AMD Catalyst- Control Center превратился в Radeon Settings. Radeon Settings максимально эффективно использует графическое оборудование AMD, а его удобный интерфейс отличается молниеносной скоростью и плавностью работы, а также интуитивно понятным функционалом, требующим меньше усилий и меньше щелчков мыши по сравнению с предшественником. - Узнать об этом больше- Radeon Software Crimson Максимальная производительность в сочетании с инновационными технологиями для нереальных игр в формате 4K и виртуальной реальности. Для геймеров, которым нужно самое лучшее. Превосходство в онлайн-играх для геймеров, которым нужна высокая производительность и реалистичная графика в играх сегодняшнего и завтрашнего дня. Безграничные возможности для выполнения любой работы. Твори. Смотри. Играй. Высокая производительность и захватывающее качество изображения во всем от потокового видео до онлайн-игр. Прочитайте, как AMD обеспечивает невероятную производительность DirectX 12 в новом тесте оценки затрат при работе программного интерфейса 3DMark. Узнайте больше о совместной работе компаний AMD и Microsoft в области производительности программного обеспечения и оборудования, поддержки DirectX 12 и т. д. Благодаря этой архитектуре данная серия отличается невероятной производительностью и потрясающим качеством изображения и становится идеальным вариантом для геймеров, которым необходимо только самое лучшее. Наслаждайся битвами в популярных онлайн-играх с повышенной производительностью и качеством изображения HD в разрешении 1080p и выведи игровой процесс на качественно новый уровень. Получи качество изображения, не уступающее разрешению 1440p, даже на экране с разрешением 1080p и наслаждайся своими любимыми играми класса AAA или онлайн-играми благодаря виртуальному сверхвысокому разрешению от AMD. Технология AMD FreeSync- устраняет прерывание и подвисание игр благодаря высокой скорости работы и отсутствию искажений практически при любой частоте кадров. Полная боевая готовность к применению программных интерфейсов следующего поколения DirectX 12, OpenGL 4.5, Vulkan-, Mantle за счет оптимизированной производительности. Разработка с нуля позволит насладиться новейшими играми сегодняшнего и завтрашнего дня. Настрой параметры графики с помощью управления частотой кадров в реальном времени, ограничивая целевую частоту кадров во время игры и снижая потребление энергии графическим процессором. Максимальное погружение в игровой мир благодаря инновационному использованию нескольких мониторов. Реализация всех преимуществ ОС Microsoft Windows 10 и возможность выполнять вычисления по-новому. DirectX 12 с бесплатным обновлением до ОС Windows 10 в течение первого года. Благодаря выдающемуся масштабированию производительности система с технологией AMD CrossFire- позволит тебе побеждать в играх, а всем остальным понадобится новое оборудование. Технологии AMD PowerTune и AMD ZeroCore Power обеспечивают увеличение производительности, когда это необходимо, и экономию заряда аккумулятора, когда в повышенной производительности нет нужды. Благодаря замечательной технологии AMD TrueAudio игры теперь звучат столь же хорошо, как и смотрятся. Повышение производительности с технологией AMD App Acceleration, ускоряющей выполнение повседневных задач, таких как работа в Интернете, офисные приложения и рендеринг видео. DirectX 12, Mantle, OpenGL 4.3, OpenCL- DirectX 12, Mantle, OpenGL 4.3, OpenCL- DirectX 12, Mantle, OpenGL 4.3, OpenCL- HDMI 4K, 3D, DEEP COLOR И - 3 монитора с разъемом DVI/HDMI; 4 монитора с разъемом DisplayPort; 6 - c концентратором DisplayPort MST 3 монитора с разъемом DVI/HDMI; 4 монитора с разъемом DisplayPort; 6 - c концентратором DisplayPort MST/R7 250X- ДЕКОДЕР VIDEO CODEC ENGINE VCE H.264, MPEG-4 ASP, MPEG-2, VC-1 и Blu-ray 3D Полная высота, два разъема Полная высота, два разъема/R7 250X Полная высота, один или два разъема/R7 250 HDMI 4K, 3D, DEEP COLOR И - ДЕКОДЕР VIDEO CODEC ENGINE VCE H.264, MPEG-4 ASP, MPEG-2, VC-1 И BLU-RAY 3D Полная высота, два разъема Полная высота, два разъема Обязательный компонент всех текстов о видеокартах AMD Radeon- Для полноценной работы некоторых функций требуется дополнительное аппаратное оборудование например, устройство для чтения дисков Blu-Ray, 4K-монитор, ТВ-тюнер, беспроводной HD-телевизор и/или программное обеспечение например, мультимедийные приложения. Для воспроизведения HD-роликов необходим источник HD-сигнала. Некоторые функции могут не поддерживаться отдельными компонентами или системами. Пожалуйста, уточните возможности модели и поддерживаемые ей технологии у производителя компонента или системы перед покупкой. Испытания проведены инженерными средствами компании AMD на графическом процессоре AMD Radeon- R9 290X и устройстве с поддержкой памяти высокой пропускной способности. Данные получены путем отдельного непосредственного измерения передачи мощности GDDR5 и HBM при полном использовании памяти. Энергоэффективность рассчитана как пропускная способность в ГБ/с на ватт потребляемой мощности. AMD Radeon- R9 290X пропускная способность 10, 66 ГБ/с на ватт и устройство с поддержкой памяти высокой пропускной способности пропускная способность более 35 ГБ/с на ватт, AMD FX-8350, Gigabyte GA-990FX-UD5, 8 ГБ памяти DDR3-1866, Windows 8.1 Professional 64-разрядная версия, AMD Catalyst- 15.20 Beta. HBM-1 Пропускная способность памяти видеокарты AMD Radeon- R9 290X с 512-разрядным интерфейсом GDDR5 1250 МГц 320 ГБ/с и устройства с поддержкой памяти высокой пропускной способности с 1024-разрядным интерфейсом 500 МГц 512 ГБ/с. HBM-4 Требуется монитор и данные с разрешением 4K. Поддерживаемое разрешение отличается в зависимости от модели видеокарты и конструкции платы. Уточняйте характеристики у производителя перед совершением покупки. Виртуальное сверхвысокое разрешение предлагается в видеокартах AMD Radeon- R9 Fury X, R9 390, R9 380, R7 370, R7 360, AMD Radeon- R9 290 и R9 285. Эта функция разработана для автоматического рендеринга игровой графики с более высоким разрешением и динамического масштабирования игр для HD-дисплеев с более высоким качеством и детализацией. Для получения информации о возможностях конкретной модели обращайтесь к производителю системы. Технология AMD FreeSync- устраняет зависание и/или разрывы в играх и видеороликах путем выравнивания скорости обновления монитора до частоты видеокарты. Для получения информации о возможностях конкретной модели обращайтесь к производителю компонента или системы. Требуется монитор, совместимый с технологией AMD FreeSync-, видеокарта AMD Radeon- и/или гибридный процессор AMD A-серии, совместимый с DisplayPort- Adaptive-Sync. Требуется AMD Catalyst- 15.2 Beta или более новая версия. Скорость обновления зависит от монитора; уточните характеристики у производителя дисплея. Список поддерживаемого оборудования и совместимых мониторов см. на сайте /freesync. Приложения должны поддерживать технологию Mantle. Для активации DirectX 12 требуется x86 процессор и видеокарта AMD Radeon- на базе архитектуры Graphics Core Next. Также требуются ОС Windows 10 Technical Preview 2 или более новая версия и драйвер AMD Catalyst- 15.20 или более новая версия из Центра обновления Windows. Поддержка OpenGL 4.5 доступна в драйвере AMD Catalyst- 15.30 WHQL. Когда гарнитуры виртуальной реальности появятся в продаже, пользователям потребуется приобрести гарнитуру, совместимую с технологией графических процессоров AMD и технологией AMD LiquidVR-. Дополнительная информация представлена на сайте /liquidvr for more information. Технология AMD Eyefinity поддерживает одновременное подключение нескольких мониторов при наличии совместимой видеокарты. Поддерживаемое количество, тип и разрешение мониторов отличается в зависимости от модели и конструкции платы. Прежде чем совершить покупку, уточните у производителя технические характеристики. Для подключения трех и большего количества мониторов либо нескольких мониторов к одному выходу требуется дополнительное оборудование например, мониторы с поддержкой DisplayPort- или концентраторы с поддержкой DisplayPort 1.2 MST. В пользовательских системах рекомендуется использовать не более двух активных адаптеров. Дополнительная информация представлена на сайте /eyefinityfaq. Функция управления частотой кадров реализована в некоторых видеокартах AMD Radeon- R9 и R7 300-й серии можно установить целевую частоту кадров в играх и приложениях и уменьшить, таким образом, тепловыделение, шум и энергопотребление.- Перед покупкой уточните у производителя системы или компонента, какие технологии поддерживаются. Для использования технологии AMD CrossFire- и/или технологии нескольких ГП AMD LiquidVR- Affinity требуется материнская платы с поддержкой технологии AMD CrossFire-. Также может потребоваться отдельный источник питания и мостовое соединение AMD CrossFire для каждой дополнительной видеокарты. Для получения информации о возможностях конкретной модели обращайтесь к производителю компонента или системы. Дополнительная информация представлена на сайте /ru-ru-/innovations/software-technologies/technologies-gaming/crossfire. Технологии AMD PowerTune и AMD ZeroCore Power реализованы в некоторых продуктах AMD Radeon- и предназначены для интеллектуального контроля энергопотребления графического процессора в ответ на определенные состояния нагрузки графического процессора. Данные технологии поддерживают не все продукты. Уточняйте возможности модели у производителя системы или компонента. Бесплатное предложение от компании Microsoft - бесплатное обновление до ОС Windows 10 для сертифицированных новых или текущих устройств с ОС Windows 7, Windows 8.1 с обновлением в течение первого года. Более того после обновления сертифицированного устройства до ОС Windows 10 компания Microsoft продолжит ее поддержку на протяжении срока службы устройства, повышая ее безопасность и добавляя с течением времени новые функции и возможности без дополнительной платы. Дополнительная информация представлена на сайте /en-ca/windows-10/about. Действуют определенные условия. Технология реалистичного звучания AMD TrueAudio- реализована в некоторых видеокартах AMD Radeon- R9 и R7 200-й серии и некоторых видеокартах AMD Radeon- R9 и R7 300-й серии. Требуется игра или приложение с поддержкой данной технологии. Не все аудиооборудование поддерживает все звуковые эффекты; для некоторых эффектов может потребоваться дополнительное аудиооборудование. Данные технологии поддерживают не все видеокарты. Узнайте у производителя компонентов или системы о возможностях конкретной модели. AMD App Acceleration представляет собой совокупность технологий для улучшения качества воспроизведения видео и ускорения работы приложений. Для полного использования некоторых функций требуется поддержка OpenCL- или DirectCompute включая универсальный видео-декодер AMD UVD. Не все продукты обладают всеми функциями и возможностями. Для их работы может потребоваться установка дополнительных продуктов. Для использования полосы пропускания PCI Express 3.0 необходима материнская плата с PCI Express 3.0 PHY. Данную технологию поддерживают не все материнские платы. Узнайте у производителя компонентов или системы о возможностях конкретной модели. AMD HD3D - технология поддержки 3D в играх, фильмах и/или на фотографиях. Необходимы 3D-драйверы, очки и монитор. Некоторые функции могут не поддерживаться отдельными компонентами или системами. Уточняйте возможности модели и поддерживаемые технологии у производителя компонента или системы перед покупкой. Список поддерживаемого 3D-оборудования представлен на странице /HD3D. Дискретные графические процессоры AMD Radeon- и FirePro- на базе архитектуры Graphics Core Next состоят из нескольких дискретных механизмов исполнения, известных как вычислительные блоки. Каждый из этих блоков включает 64 шейдера потоковых процессора, работающих в унисон. В тестах, проведенных лабораториями AMD по состоянию на 22 апреля 2015 г., видеокарта AMD Radeon- R7 370 2 ГБ памяти GDDR5 продемонстрировала производительность более 60 кадров/сек в тестах производительности в спортивных играх в таких играх, как Counter-Strike Global Offensive - 140 кадров/сек, Dota 2 - 88 кадров/сек, League of Legends - 142 кадра/сек, Starcraft II - 84 кадра/сек с разрешением 2560x1440 и максимальными настройками. В тестировании использовались ЦП Core i7 5960X 3, 0 ГГц, Gigabyte X99-UD4, память DDR4-2666 МГц объемом 16 ГБ, 64-разрядная ОС Windows 8.1, драйвер AMD Catalyst Omega 14.502.150218n GRDT-42. В тестах, проведенных лабораториями AMD по состоянию на 22 апреля 2015 г., видеокарта AMD Radeon- R7 360 2 ГБ памяти GDDR5 продемонстрировала производительность более 60 кадров/сек в тестах производительности в спортивных играх в таких играх, как Counter-Strike Global Offensive - 148 кадров/сек, Dota 2 - 107 кадров/сек, League of Legends - 140 кадров/сек, Starcraft II - 90 кадров/сек с разрешением 1920x1080 и максимальными настройками. В тестировании использовались ЦП Core i7 5960X 3, 0 ГГц, Gigabyte X99-UD4, память DDR4-2666 МГц объемом 16 ГБ, 64-разрядная ОС Windows 8.1, драйвер AMD Catalyst Omega 14.502.150218n GRDT-43. Y 2015 г. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Все права защищены. AMD, логотип стрелка AMD, Catalyst, CrossFire, FreeSync, LiquidVR, Radeon и любые их сочетания являются товарными знаками компании Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Microsoft, Windows и DirectX являются зарегистрированными товарными знаками корпорации Microsoft в США и/или других странах. OpenCL является товарным знаком корпорации Apple, используемым компанией Khronos с разрешения Apple. PCIe и PCI Express являются зарегистрированными товарными знаками компании PCI-SIG. Другие наименования приводятся только для ознакомительных целей и могут быть товарными знаками соответствующих владельцев.- Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. ББAMD RadeonБ R7 300 Series graphics give you high performance and visual realism while playing your favorite online games including features that take your skills to the next level. Find out why you need them in your arsenal БGet greater than 60 fps gaming performance at 1080p or 1440p, ultra-settings, in popular online games with visual realism that doesnБt sacrifice performance. Game at 1080p, or at quality that rivals 1440p with your 1080p display, all thanks to AMDБs Virtual Super Resolution VSR. БBoost performance with more efficient rendering of richer and more complex scenes with DirectXб 12 - thanks to Async Shaders and Multi-threaded Command Buffer Recording. Prepare yourself for the games of today and tomorrow, with support for DirectXб 12, OpenGLб 4.5 and VulkanБ. Get unrivalled image quality with stunning 3D visual effects, lifelike imagery, and realistic lighting. More New Key Features Our new streamlined user interface gets an updated name БAMD CatalystБ Control CenterБ is now БRadeon SettingsБ. Architected to enable the best from AMD graphics hardware, user-friendly Radeon Settings is lightning fast, looks sharp, works smoothly, and delivers intuitive functionality that requires less effort and fewer mouse clicks than its predecessor. Б Learn More About Radeon Software Crimson Leading-edge performance and innovative technologies for extreme 4K and VR gaming. For Gamers that demand the best. БOnline gaming supremacy for the gamers who want high-performance with visual realism in the games of today and tomorrow. The power to do it all. БCreate. Watch. Play. For virtually everything you do, get advanced performance and breathtaking image quality from streaming videos to online gaming. БCheck out how AMD and Microsoft team up to bring software and hardware performance, support DirectXб 12, and more Primed to enable astonishing performance and breathtaking image quality, making it a top choice for gamers who expect the best. Battle online with supercharged performance and in beautiful 1080p HD on popular online games and take your gameplay to a whole new level. Get quality that rivals 1440p - - even on a 1080p display - - while playing your favorite AAA or online games thanks to AMDБs VSR. AMD FreeSyncБ technology puts an end to choppy gameplay and broken frames with fluid, artifact-free performance at virtually any framerate. Battle-ready with optimized performance for next-gen APIs DirectXб 12, OpenGLб 4.5, VulkanБ, Mantle and is designed from the ground up to give you everything you need to enjoy the latest games today and tomorrow. Fine-tune your graphics with real-time frame rate control limiting the target frame rate during gameplay, reducing GPU power consumption. Enjoy the ultimate immersive gaming experience with innovative Бwrap aroundБ multi-display capabilities. Designed to deliver all the benefits of Microsoft Windows 10 OS and bring new computing experiences to life. Get DirectXб 12 with a free upgrade to Windows 10 in its first year from Microsoftб. With outstanding performance scaling, a system equipped with AMD CrossFireБ technology keeps you fragging while everyone else is reaching for an upgrade. Armed with AMD PowerTune and AMD ZeroCore Power technologies for a performance boost when you need it, and power savings when you donБt. With the sonic brilliance of AMD TrueAudio technology, your games now sound as good as they look. Enhance performance with AMD App Acceleration supercharging everyday tasks such as web browsing, Office applications, and video rendering. DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.3, OpenCLБ DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.3, OpenCLБ DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.3, OpenCLБ DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.3, OpenCLБ DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.3, OpenCLБ DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.3, OpenCLБ HDMI WITH 4K, STEREO 3D, DEEP COLOR Б 3 with DVI/HDMI, 4 using DisplayPort, 6 with DisplayPort MST hub 3 with DVI/HDMI, 4 using DisplayPort, 6 with DisplayPort MST hub 3 with DVI/HDMI, 4 using DisplayPort, 6 with DisplayPort MST hub 3 with DVI/HDMI, 4 using DisplayPort, 6 with DisplayPOrt MST hub VIDEO CODEC ENGINE VCE WITH H.264, MPEG-4 ASP, MPEG-2, VC-1 BLU-RAY 3D Full height, dual or single slot DirectXб 12, OpenGLб 4.5 VulkanБ, Mantle, OpenCLБ 2.0 DirectXб 12, OpenGLб 4.5 VulkanБ, Mantle, OpenCLБ 2.0 HDMI WITH 4K, STEREO 3D, DEEP COLOR Б VIDEO CODEC ENGINE VCE WITH H.264, MPEG-4 ASP, MPEG-2, VC-1 BLU-RAY 3D Additional hardware Blu-ray drive, 4K monitor, TV tuner, wirelessly enabled HDTV and/or software multimedia applications are required for the full enablement of some features. HD Video display requires an HD video source. Not all features may be supported on all components or systems - check with your component or system manufacturer for specific model capabilities and supported technologies. Testing conducted by AMD engineering on the AMD RadeonБ R9 290X GPU vs. an HBM-based device. Data obtained through isolated direct measurement of GDDR5 and HBM power delivery rails at full memory utilization. Power efficiency calculated as GB/s of bandwidth delivered per watt of power consumed. AMD RadeonБ R9 290X 10.66 GB/s bandwidth per watt and HBM-based device 35 GB/s bandwidth per watt, AMD FX-8350, Gigabyte GA-990FX-UD5, 8GB DDR3-1866, Windows 8.1 x64 Professional, AMD CatalystБ 15.20 Beta. HBM-1 Based on the memory bandwidth of the AMD RadeonБ R9 290X with a 1250MHz 512-bit GDDR5 interface 320GB/s vs. an HBM-based device with a 500MHz 1024-bit interface 512GB/s. HBM-4 Requires 4K display and content. Supported resolution varies by GPU model and board design; confirm specifications with manufacturer before purchase. AMDБs Virtual Super Resolution VSR feature is offered by the AMD RadeonБ R9 Fury X, R9 390 Series, R9 380, R7 370, R7 360, AMD RadeonБ R9 290 Series and R9 285 graphics cards and is designed to automatically re-render games at higher resolutions and dynamically rescale them for HD displays at higher quality and visual details. Check with your system manufacturer for specific capabilities. AMD FreeSyncБ technology is designed to eliminate stuttering and/or tearing in games and videos by locking a displayБs refresh rate to the framerate of the graphics card. Check with your component or system manufacturer for specific capabilities. AMD FreeSyncБ technology compatible monitor, AMD RadeonБ Graphics and/or AMD A-Series APU compliant with DisplayPortБ Adaptive-Sync required. AMD CatalystБ 15.2 Beta or newer required. Adaptive refresh rates vary by display; check with your monitor manufacturer for specific capabilities. A list of supported hardware and compatible monitors is available at /freesync. Application support for Mantle is required. DirectXб 12 enablement requires an x86 processor and an AMD RadeonБ graphics chip based on the Graphics Core Next architecture. Windowsб 10 Technical Preview 2 or later and AMD CatalystБ driver 15.20 or later from Windows Update required. OpenGLб 4.5 support available in AMD CatalystБ 15.30 WHQL driver. When VR headsets are commercially available, users will need to obtain a VR headset compatible with AMDБs GPU technologies and AMD LiquidVRБ technology. See /liquidvr for more information. AMD Eyefinity technology supports multiple monitors on an enabled graphics card. Supported display quantity, type and resolution vary by model and board design; confirm specifications with manufacturer before purchase. To enable more than two displays, or multiple displays from a single output, additional hardware such as DisplayPortБ-ready monitors or DisplayPort 1.2 MST-enabled hubs may be required. A maximum of two active adapters is recommended for consumer systems. See /eyefinityfaq for full details. Frame rate targeting is offered by select AMD RadeonБ R9 and R7 300 Series graphics and is designed to reduce heat, noise and power consumption by letting users set a target frame rate for their games and applications. Confirm supported technologies with your component or system manufacturer for specific capabilities before purchase. AMD CrossFireБ technology and/or AMD LiquidVRБ Affinity Multi-GPU technology requires an AMD CrossFireБ technology-ready motherboard and may require a specialized power supply and AMD CrossFireБ Bridge Interconnect for each additional graphics card. Check with your component or system manufacturer for specific model capabilities. See /en-us/innovations/software-technologies/technologies-gaming/crossfire for more information. AMD PowerTune and AMD ZeroCore Power are technologies offered by certain AMD RadeonБ products, which are designed to intelligently manage GPU power consumption in response to certain GPU load conditions. Not all products feature all technologies Б check with your component or system manufacturer for specific model capabilities. Free Upgrade Offer from Microsoft Б Get a free upgrade to Windowsб 10 for qualified new or existing Windows 7, Windows 8.1 devices that upgrade in its first year! And even better once a qualified Windows device is upgraded to Windows 10, Microsoft will continue to keep it up to date for the supported lifetime of the device, keeping it more secure, and introducing new features and functionality over time Б for no additional charge. Visit /en-ca/windows-10/about for more information. Terms and conditions apply. AMD TrueAudio technology is offered by select AMD RadeonБ R9 and R7 200 Series GPUs and select AMD RadeonБ R9 and R7 300 Series GPUs, and is designed to improve acoustic realism. Requires enabled game or application. Not all audio equipment supports all audio effects; additional audio equipment may be required for some audio effects. Not all GPUs feature all technologies Б check with your component or system manufacturer for specific capabilities. AMD App Acceleration is a set of technologies designed to improve video quality and enhance application performance. Full enablement of some features requires support for OpenCLБ or DirectCompute including AMDБs Unified Video Decoder UVD. Not all products have all features and full enablement of some capabilities and may require complementary products. Utilization of PCI Express 3.0 bandwidth requires a mainboard equipped with a PCI Express 3.0 PHY. Not all mainboards feature this technology Б check with your component or system manufacturer for specific model capabilities. AMD HD3D is a technology designed to enable stereoscopic 3D support in games, movies and/or photos. Requires 3D stereo drivers, glasses, and display. Not all features may be supported on all components or systems Б check with your component or system manufacturer for specific model capabilities and supported technologies. A list of supported stereoscopic 3D hardware is available at /HD3D. Discrete AMD RadeonБ GPUs and AMD FireProБ GPUs based on the Graphics Core Next architecture consist of multiple discrete execution engines known as a Compute Unit БCUБ. Each CU contains 64 shaders БStream ProcessorsБ working in unison. In testing by AMD labs as of April 22, 2015, the AMD RadeonБ R7 370 graphics card 2GB GDDR5 achieved greater than 60fps average on in-game, eSports benchmarks specifically Counter-Strike Global Offensive 140fps, Dota 2 88fps, League of Legends 142fps, Starcraft II 84fps at 2560x1440, ultra-preset ultra-settings. Tested with Core i7 CPU 5960X 3.0GHz, Gigabyte X99-UD4, 16GB DDR4-2666 MHz, Windows 8.1 64-bit, AMD Catalyst Omega 14.502.150218n driver GRDT-42. In testing by AMD labs as of April 22, 2015, the AMD RadeonБ R7 360 graphics card 2GB GDDR5 achieved greater than 60fps average on in-game, eSports benchmarks specifically Counter-Strike Global Offensive 148fps, Dota 2 107fps, League of Legends 140fps, Starcraft II 90fps at 1920x1080, ultra-preset ultra-settings. Tested with Core i7 CPU 5960X 3.0GHz, Gigabyte X99-UD4, 16GB DDR4-2666 MHz, Windows 8.1 64-bit, AMD Catalyst Omega 14.502.150218n driver GRDT-43. б2015 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, Catalyst, CrossFire, FreeSync, LiquidVR, Radeon, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, and DirectXб are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the and/or other jurisdictions. OpenCL is a trademark of Apple, Inc. and used by permission of Khronos. PCI Express and PCIe are registered trademarks of PCI-SIG. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. These advanced GPUs offer extraordinary performance and spectacular efficiency. DonБt settle for anything less than the latest technology. Primed to enable astonishing performance and breathtaking image quality, making it a top choice for gamers who expect the best. Battle online with supercharged performance and in beautiful 1080p HD on popular online games and take your gameplay to a whole new level. Battle-ready with optimized performance for next-gen APIs VulkanБ, DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGL 4.4 and is designed from the ground up to give you everything you need to enjoy the latest games today and tomorrow. Designed to deliver all the benefits of Microsoft Windows 10 OS and bring new computing experiences to life. Get DirectXб 12 with a free upgrade to Windows 10 in its first year. Enhance performance with AMD App Acceleration supercharging everyday tasks such as web browsing and Office applications. Armed with AMD PowerTune and AMD ZeroCore Power technologies for a performance boost when you need it, and power savings when you donБt. DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGL 4.3 DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGL 4.3 HDMI WITH 4K, STEREO 3D, DEEP COLOR Б VIDEO CODEC ENGINE VCE WITH H.264, MPEG-4 ASP, MPEG-2, VC-1 BLU-RAY 3D Full height, dual or single slot DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGL 4.4, VulkanБ DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGL 4.4, VulkanБ HDMI WITH 4K, STEREO 3D, DEEP COLOR Б VIDEO CODEC ENGINE VCE WITH H.264, MPEG-4 ASP, MPEG-2, VC-1 BLU-RAY 3D Full height, dual or single slot Required for all AMD RadeonБ graphics messaging Additional hardware Blu-ray drive, 4K monitor, TV tuner, wirelessly enabled HDTV and/or software multimedia applications are required for the full enablement of some features. HD Video display requires an HD video source. Not all features may be supported on all components or systems - check with your component or system manufacturer for specific model capabilities and supported technologies. AMD Eyefinity technology supports multiple monitors on an enabled graphics card. Supported display quantity, type and resolution vary by model and board design; confirm specifications with manufacturer before purchase. To enable more than two displays, or multiple displays from a single output, additional hardware such as DisplayPortБ-ready monitors or DisplayPort 1.2 MST-enabled hubs may be required. A maximum of two active adapters is recommended for consumer systems. See for full details. AMD PowerTune and AMD ZeroCore Power are technologies offered by certain AMD RadeonБ products, which are designed to intelligently manage GPU power consumption in response to certain GPU load conditions. Not all products feature all technologies Б check with your component or system manufacturer for specific model capabilities. Application support for Mantle is required. Utilization of PCI Express 3.0 bandwidth requires a mainboard equipped with a PCI Express 3.0 PHY. Not all mainboards feature this technology Б check with your component or system manufacturer for specific model capabilities. DirectXб 12 enablement requires an x86 processor and an AMD RadeonБ graphics chip based on the Graphics Core Next architecture. Windowsб 10 Technical Preview 2 or later and AMD CatalystБ driver 15.20 or later from Windows Update required. AMD CrossFireБ technology requires an AMD CrossFire technology-ready motherboard and may require a specialized power supply and AMD CrossFire Bridge Interconnect. Check with your component or system manufacturer for specific model capabilities. AMD App Acceleration is a set of technologies designed to improve video quality and enhance application performance. Full enablement of some features requires support for OpenCLБ or DirectCompute including AMDБs Unified Video Decoder UVD. Not all products have all features and full enablement of some capabilities and may require complementary products. Requires 4K display and content. Supported resolution varies by GPU model and board design; confirm specifications with manufacturer before purchase. AMD TrueAudio technology is offered by select AMD RadeonБ R9 and R7 200 Series and select 300 Series OEM GPUs and is designed to improve acoustic realism. Requires enabled game or application. Not all audio equipment supports all audio effects; additional audio equipment may be required for some audio effects. Not all products feature all technologies Б check with your component or system manufacturer for specific capabilities. AMD FreeSync technology is offered by the AMD RadeonБ R9 380 and R9 360 graphics OEM and is designed to eliminate stuttering and/or tearing in games and videos by locking a displayБs refresh rate to the framerate of the graphics card. Check with your component or system manufacturer for specific capabilities. FreeSync compatible monitor, AMD RadeonБ Graphics and/or AMD A-Series APU compliant with DisplayPortБ Adaptive-Sync required. AMD CatalystБ 15.2 Beta or newer required. Adaptive refresh rates vary by display; check with your monitor manufacturer for specific capabilities. Free Upgrade Offer from Microsoft Б Get a free upgrade to Windowsб 10 for qualified new or existing Windows 7, Windows 8.1 devices that upgrade in its first year! And even better once a qualified Windows device is upgraded to Windows 10, Microsoft will continue to keep it up to date for the supported lifetime of the device, keeping it more secure, and introducing new features and functionality over time Б for no additional charge. Visit /en-ca/windows-10/about for more information. Terms and conditions may apply. AMD Virtual Super Resolution VSR is offered by the AMD RadeonБ R9 380, R9 370, R9 360 and the AMD RadeonБ R9 290 Series and R9 285 OEM graphics cards and is designed to automatically re-render games at higher resolutions and dynamically rescale them for HD displays at higher quality and details. Check with your system manufacturer for specific capabilities. Discrete AMD RadeonБ and FireProБ GPUs based on the Graphics Core Next architecture consist of multiple discrete execution engines known as a Compute Unit БCUБ. Each CU contains 64 shaders БStream ProcessorsБ working in unison. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. БSee the new R9 380X graphics card in action. The AMD RadeonБ R9 Fury Series graphics cards AMD RadeonБ R9 Fury X, R9 Fury and the R9 Nano graphics cards are the worldБs first total solution GPUs with AMD-pioneered High-Bandwidth Memory HBM on-chip delivering extreme 4K performance and unbelievably БrealБ VR experiences. Designed for your survival! along with a 4096-bit memory interface - the highest AMD GPU memory bandwidth ever. Sleek industrial styling including GPU Tach activity indicator and LED illumination all in a compact 7.5-inch card thatБs all about raw graphics power. Powerful performance, bleeding-edge technology, liquid-cooled, whisper-quiet and future-ready for extreme 4K and VR gaming. The worldБs first small form factor 6-inch graphics card with High-Bandwidth Memory HBM delivering new advances in power efficiency. Powerful performance for unbelievably БrealБ 4K and VR gaming. A new paradigm for the Mini-ITX PC. Command the competition at 4K resolution and beyond, fueled by a 4096-bit high-bandwidth memory interface for extreme performance and power efficiency. Take advantage of full support for DirectXб 12, VulkanБ, OpenGLб 4.5 and Mantle. Experience the smoothest gameplay without frame-tearing or stuttering with an AMD Eyefinity 3x1, using 1440p FreeSyncБ-enabled monitors for a massive 6K gameplay Бsurround viewБ panorama. Leading-edge performance Бand innovative technologies for extreme 4K and VR gaming. For Gamers that demand the best. БOnline gaming supremacy for the gamers who want high-performance with visual realism in the games of today and toБmorrow. The power to do it all. БCreate. Watch. Play. For virtually everything you do, get advanced performance and breathtaking image quality from streaming videos to online gaming. With the new DirectXб 12 API from Microsoftб, you get blazingly fast performance, higher frames per second, and reduced latency Б using the hardware you own now. Primed to enable astonishing performance and breathtaking image quality, making it a top choice for gamers who expect the best. Ground-breaking performance requires big bandwidth. AMDБs latest innovation delivers more than 3x the bandwidth per watt over GDDR5 along with a 4096-bit memory interface for incredible new advances in power and efficiency. Leave HD in the dust and max-out game settings at 1440p, or jump directly to ultra-HD 4K for extreme gaming. Get quality that rivals 4K, even on a 1080p display while playing your favorite AAA or online games thanks to AMDБs VSR. AMD FreeSyncБ technology puts an end to choppy gameplay and broken frames with fluid, artifact-free performance at virtually any framerate. Battle-ready with optimized performance for next-gen APIs DirectXб 12, VulkanБ, OpenGLб 4.5, Mantle and is designed from the ground up to give you everything you need to enjoy the latest games today and tomorrow. Escape into a lifelike realm of ultra-immersive VR presence and experience the liquid-smooth visual performance, high frame rates, and reduced latency and lag of AMD LiquidVRБ technology featuring Affinity Multi-GPU. Enjoy the ultimate immersive gaming experience with innovative Бwrap aroundБ multi-display capabilities. Fine-tune your graphics with real-time frame rate control limiting the target frame rate during gameplay, reducing GPU power consumption. With outstanding performance scaling, a system equipped with AMD CrossFireБ technology keeps you fragging while everyone else is reaching for an upgrade. Armed with AMD PowerTune and AMD ZeroCore Power technologies for a performance boost when you need it, and power savings when you donБt. Designed to deliver all the benefits of Microsoftб Windowsб 10 OS and bring new computing experiences to life. Get DirectXб 12 with a free upgrade to Windows 10 in its first year from Microsoft. With the sonic brilliance of AMD TrueAudio technology, your games now sound as good as they look. DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.3, OpenCLБ DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.3, OpenCLБ DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.3, OpenCLБ DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.3, OpenCLБ DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.3, OpenCLБ DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.3, OpenCLБ DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.3, OpenCLБ DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.3, OpenCLБ HDMI WITH 4K, STEREO 3D, DEEP COLOR Б VIDEO CODEC ENGINE VCE WITH H.264, MPEG-4 ASP, MPEG-2, VC-1 BLU-RAY 3D Full height, dual slot, 120mm radiator and fan DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.5 DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.5 БDirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.5 DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.5 HDMI WITH 4K, STEREO 3D, DEEP COLOR Б VIDEO CODEC ENGINE VCE WITH H.264, MPEG-4 ASP, MPEG-2, VC-1 BLU-RAY 3D ББFull height, dual slot DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.5 DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.5 VulkanБ, OpenCLБ 2.0Б HDMI WITH 4K, STEREO 3D, DEEP COLOR Б VIDEO CODEC ENGINE VCE WITH H.264, MPEG-4 ASP, MPEG-2, VC-1 BLU-RAY 3D Full height, dual slot, liquid-cooled БFull height, dual slot DirectXб 12, Mantle, OpenGLб 4.5 HDMI WITH 4K, STEREO 3D, DEEP COLOR Б VIDEO CODEC ENGINE VCE WITH H.264, MPEG-4 ASP, MPEG-2, VC-1 BLU-RAY 3D Full Height, Small form factor, dual slot Additional hardware Blu-ray drive, 4K monitor, TV tuner, wirelessly enabled HDTV and/or software multimedia applications are required for the full enablement of some features. HD Video display requires an HD video source. Not all features may be supported on all components or systems - check with your component or system manufacturer for specific model capabilities and supported technologies. Testing conducted by AMD engineering on the AMD RadeonБ R9 290X GPU vs. an HBM-based device. Data obtained through isolated direct measurement of GDDR5 and HBM power delivery rails at full memory utilization. Power efficiency calculated as GB/s of bandwidth delivered per watt of power consumed. AMD RadeonБ R9 290X 10.66 GB/s bandwidth per watt and HBM-based device 35 GB/s bandwidth per watt, AMD FX-8350, Gigabyte GA-990FX-UD5, 8GB DDR3-1866, Windows 8.1 x64 Professional, AMD CatalystБ 15.20 Beta. HBM-1 Based on the memory bandwidth of the AMD RadeonБ R9 290X with a 1250MHz 512-bit GDDR5 interface 320GB/s vs. AMD RadeonБ R9 Fury and R9 Fury X featuring HBM with a 500MHz 4096-bit interface 512GB/s. HBM-4 Requires 4K display and content. Supported resolution varies by GPU model and board design; confirm specifications with manufacturer before purchase. AMDБs Virtual Super Resolution VSR feature is offered by the AMD RadeonБ R9 Fury Series, AMD RadeonБ R9 Fury X, R9 390 Series, R9 380, R7 370, R7 360, AMD RadeonБ R9 290 Series and R9 285 graphics cards and is designed to automatically re-render games at higher resolutions and dynamically rescale them for HD displays at higher quality and visual details. Check with your system manufacturer for specific capabilities. AMD FreeSyncБ technology is designed to eliminate stuttering and/or tearing in games and videos by locking a displayБs refresh rate to the framerate of the graphics card. Check with your component or system manufacturer for specific capabilities. AMD FreeSyncБ technology compatible monitor, AMD RadeonБ Graphics and/or AMD A-Series APU compliant with DisplayPortБ Adaptive-Sync required. AMD CatalystБ 15.2 Beta or newer required. Adaptive refresh rates vary by display; check with your monitor manufacturer for specific capabilities. A list of supported hardware and compatible monitors is available at /freesync. Application support for Mantle is required. DirectXб 12 enablement requires an x86 processor and an AMD RadeonБ graphics chip based on the Graphics Core Next architecture. Windowsб 10 Technical Preview 2 or later and AMD CatalystБ driver 15.20 or later from Windows Update required. OpenGLб 4.5 support available in AMD CatalystБ 15.30 WHQL driver. When VR headsets are commercially available, users will need to obtain a VR headset compatible with AMDБs GPU technologies and AMD LiquidVRБ technology. See /liquidvr for more information. AMD Eyefinity technology supports multiple monitors on an enabled graphics card. Supported display quantity, type and resolution vary by model and board design; confirm specifications with manufacturer before purchase. To enable more than two displays, or multiple displays from a single output, additional hardware such as DisplayPortБ-ready monitors or DisplayPort 1.2 MST-enabled hubs may be required. A maximum of two active adapters is recommended for consumer systems. See /eyefinityfaq for full details. Frame rate targeting is offered by select AMD RadeonБ R9 Fury Series, AMD RadeonБ R9 and R7 300 Series graphics and is designed to reduce heat, noise and power consumption by letting users set a target frame rate for their games and applications. Confirm supported technologies with your component or system manufacturer for specific capabilities before purchase. AMD CrossFireБ technology and/or AMD LiquidVRБ Affinity Multi-GPU technology requires an AMD CrossFireБ technology-ready motherboard and may require a specialized power supply and AMD CrossFireБ Bridge Interconnect for each additional graphics card. Check with your component or system manufacturer for specific model capabilities. See /en-us/innovations/software-technologies/technologies-gaming/crossfire for more information. AMD PowerTune and AMD ZeroCore Power are technologies offered by certain AMD RadeonБ products, which are designed to intelligently manage GPU power consumption in response to certain GPU load conditions. Not all products feature all technologies Б check with your component or system manufacturer for specific model capabilities. Free Upgrade Offer from Microsoft Б Get a free upgrade to Windowsб 10 for qualified new or existing Windows 7, Windows 8.1 devices that upgrade in its first year! And even better once a qualified Windows device is upgraded to Windows 10, Microsoft will continue to keep it up to date for the supported lifetime of the device, keeping it more secure, and introducing new features and functionality over time Б for no additional charge. Visit /en-ca/windows-10/about for more information. Terms and conditions apply. AMD TrueAudio technology is offered by select AMD RadeonБ R9 and R7 200 Series GPUs, AMD RadeonБ R9 Fury Series GPUs and select AMD RadeonБ R9 and R7 300 Series GPUs, and is designed to improve acoustic realism. Requires enabled game or application. Not all audio equipment supports all audio effects; additional audio equipment may be required for some audio effects. Not all GPUs feature all technologies Б check with your component or system manufacturer for specific capabilities. AMD App Acceleration is a set of technologies designed to improve video quality and enhance application performance. Full enablement of some features requires support for OpenCLБ or DirectCompute including AMDБs Unified Video Decoder UVD. Not all products have all features and full enablement of some capabilities and may require complementary products. Utilization of PCI Express 3.0 bandwidth requires a mainboard equipped with a PCI Express 3.0 PHY. Not all mainboards feature this technology Б check with your component or system manufacturer for specific model capabilities. AMD HD3D is a technology designed to enable stereoscopic 3D support in games, movies and/or photos. Requires 3D stereo drivers, glasses, and display. Not all features may be supported on all components or systems Б check with your component or system manufacturer for specific model capabilities and supported technologies. A list of supported stereoscopic 3D hardware is available at /HD3D. Discrete AMD RadeonБ GPUs and AMD FireProБ GPUs based on the Graphics Core Next architecture consist of multiple discrete execution engines known as a Compute Unit БCUБ. Each CU contains 64 shaders БStream ProcessorsБ working in unison. б2015 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, Catalyst, CrossFire, FreeSync, LiquidVR, Radeon, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, and DirectXб are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the and/or other jurisdictions. OpenCL is a trademark of Apple, Inc. and used by permission of Khronos. PCI Express and PCIe are registered trademarks of PCI-SIG. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. The AMD Radeonв R5 Series graphics cards arenвt just great for gaming. They offer astonishing performance and breathtaking image quality to enhance virtually everything you do. вв Designed to deliver all the benefits of Microsoft Windows 10 OS and bring new computing experiences to life. Watch all your HD videos smoothly with Radeon R5 graphics, whether you are streaming the latest online content, or watching your home videos in WindowsВ 10. Enable the best looking visuals on your monitor or TV, with support for HDMI, DVI, and VGA connectors based on available connectors offered by your specific Radeonв R5 video card. Enhance performance with AMD App Acceleration supercharging everyday tasks such as web browsing and Office applications. Armed with AMD PowerTune technology for a performance boost when you need it, power savings when you donвt. The AMD Radeonв R5 230 GPU is the perfect solution for everyday computer users who are looking for discrete GPU performance. Multimedia performance improvements, extended desktops and accelerated apps are all part of the package, along with ultra-low power consumption. Expand your viewing horizon using AMD Eyefinity technology. Enjoy the freedom to combine two or three monitors to create the ultimate multi-monitor desktop workstation that will take your productivity to new heights. Impressive speed. Full functionality. Vivid HD viewing. AMD App Acceleration allows you to enjoy increased speed in your everyday applications and experience rich, clear HD video. Experience new levels of detail and realism using AMD Radeonв R5 230 graphics with DirectXВ 11 technology. HDMI With 4K, Stereo 3D, Deep Color в Video Codec Engine VCE with H.264, MPEG-4 ASP, MPEG-2, VC-1 Blu-ray 3D Additional hardware Blu-ray drive, HD or 10-bit monitor, USB 3.0 ports, TV tuner, wirelessly enabled HDTV and/or software multimedia applications and/or wifi access are required for the full enablement of some features. HD Video display requires an HD video source. Not all features may be supported on all components or systems - check with your component or system manufacturer for specific model capabilities and supported technologies. AMD Eyefinity technology supports multiple monitors on an enabled graphics card. Supported display quantity, type and resolution vary by model and board design; confirm specifications with manufacturer before purchase. To enable more than two displays, or multiple displays from a single output, additional hardware such as DisplayPortв-ready monitors or DisplayPort 1.2 MST-enabled hubs may be required. A maximum of two active adapters is recommended for consumer systems. See /eyefinityfaq for full details. Gaming in 4K requires a 4K display and content. Supported resolution varies by GPU model and board design; confirm specifications with manufacturer before purchase. AMD PowerPlay, AMD PowerTune and AMD ZeroCore Power are technologies offered by certain AMD Radeonв products, which are designed to intelligently manage GPU power consumption in response to certain GPU load conditions. Not all products feature all technologies в check with your component or system manufacturer for specific model capabilities. AMD CrossFireв technology requires an AMD CrossFire Ready motherboard and may require a specialized power supply and AMD CrossFire Bridge Interconnect. Check with your component or system manufacturer for specific model capabilities. AMD TrueAudioв technology is offered on select AMD Radeonв R9 and R7 200 Series GPUs and is designed to improve acoustic realism. Requires an enabled game or application. Not all audio equipment supports all audio effects; additional audio equipment may be required for some audio effects. Not all products feature all technologiesвcheck with your component or system manufacturer for specific capabilities. The GCN Architecture and its associated features PCI ExpressВ 3.0, AMD ZeroCore Power technology, AMD PowerTune technology etc. are included in the AMD Radeonв R9 and R7 200 Series GPUs. Not all technologies are supported in all system configurationsвcheck with your system manufacturer for specific model capabilities. Requires 4K display and content. Supported resolution varies by GPU model and board design; confirm specifications with manufacturer before purchase. AMD App Acceleration is a set of technologies designed to improve video quality and enhance application performance. Full enablement of some features requires support for OpenCLв or DirectCompute including AMDвs Unified Video Decoder UVD. Not all products have all features and full enablement of some capabilities and may require complementary products. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

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